


Our commitment

Sustainability at Altmann Analytik

The natural resources of the earth are the basis of our lives. They should be protected and used respectfully. Altmann Analytik is committed to sustainability and recognizes the general principles of international quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, and compliance standards.

We actively take responsibility for the impact of our actions on the environment. We ensure impeccable corporate governance, select suppliers who share our values regarding social responsibility, and act as a “good neighbor” in society.

Our sustainability goals for reducing the ecological footprint

100% compensation of all CO2 emissions by planting trees and financially supporting certified climate protection projects


Reduction of CO2 emissions by 30% compared to the previous year

95% of product deliveries climate-neutral

95% of packaging made from recycled materials

100% green electricity


Appointment of  sustainability officers at each of our locations by the end of 2024

Training of employees

Establishment of a system for the return of used HPLC columns, ensuring proper reconditioning or disposal


In 2025, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions[1 ] per order by 50% compared to the base year 2021

¹ Indirect emissions occurring outside the company, such as those from the manufacturing of traded products, as well as supplier logistics and the use and disposal of products or other processes, are not included here, as they are difficult for us to influence.

Our contribution to climate protection

Implementation of our sustainability goals in 2022 – 2023
  • Transition to 100% renewable energy at the Munich site
  • Conversion of all parcel service providers/forwarding agents to CO2-neutral shipping
  • Reusing packaging materials
  • Reduction of individual deliveries to customers (collective deliveries)
  • Waste reduction and waste separation
  • Lowering the temperature in our warehouses
  • Reducing the printing of print materials
  • Switching to LED lamps or energy-saving lamps
  • Bicycle leasing for employees
  • Covering the cost of job tickets for public transport
Altmann Analytik: Beitrag zum Klimaschutz

Our awards

Climate contribution

Altmann Analytik has been a climate-neutral company since 2022. Together with ClimatePartner, we have recorded our CO2 emissions and created our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF). We reduce these as much as possible and offset unavoidable emissions through recognised climate protection projects.

Altmann Analytik Ecovadis

Altmann Analytik was honored with the EcoVadis Silver Medal in 2024 for sustainable and socially responsible business practices. EcoVadis assesses companies’ CSR management processes in the areas of environment, social affairs, ethics and sustainable procurement.

EHS – Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines

Altmann Analytik acknowledges its responsibilities regarding environmental and occupational health and safety. EHS – Environment, Health & Safety – defines the three areas of environment, health and safety within a company, encompassing various laws, regulations and requirements that help to protect the environment, employees and operations.

As a company, we comply with the relevant laws and all other commitments we have made in every country where we operate. Additionally, we establish EHS objectives and incorporate appropriate EHS criteria into business decisions. To implement these, we develop management processes and provide employee training. We ensure open and timely communication as well as a high level of employee consultation and participation. We take measures to identify, assess and mitigate EHS-related risks, as well as to prevent injuries, illnesses, and losses.

To protect the environment, we avoid pollution from our activities and transportation, reduce waste generation, and decrease our energy consumption. Naturally, we recognize the ten principles of the UN Global Compact as fundamental principles of our business activities and expect our suppliers and service providers to commit to them as well: particularly compliance with legal regulations, providing a healthy and safe working environment, respecting human rights, prohibiting child and forced labor, respecting freedom of association, and providing fair pay to employees.

Upon request, customers or suppliers receive a detailed description of our principles regarding international quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, and compliance standards.